Archives for Linux - Page 2

NFS, TCP, retrans and timeo

I think there is a misunderstanding regarding the protocols and NFS options while using it over TCP. As the NFS is an old protocol, and used to UDP, when the implementations did change the default transport to TCP, the features from one were mixed to the other in some interpretations. Well, ...
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Ubuntu and the kids…

Hello all, hope everyone had a nice christmas! These days i have decided to update the kid's destkop, an ubuntu 7.10 system with many, many customizations, and a lot of games, to the new LTS version (8.04). Well, i was expecting some problems, but no the ones i had... ...
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A contract between OpenSolaris and GNU/Linux users

Hello there... one of the objectives of the OpenSolaris distro, is to make easy the platform's adoption for the GNU/Linux users. I think one thing that every user does when facing a new operating system is execute a simple command like: 'ls /'. And some other 'ls' to try to ...
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ZFS Internals (part #5)

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ANY INFORMATION YOU MAY FIND HERE MAY BE INACCURATE, AND COULD INCLUDE TECHNICAL INACCURACIES, TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS, AND EVEN SPELLING ERRORS. From the MANUAL page: The zdb command is used by support engineers to diagnose failures and gather statistics. Since the ZFS file ...
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ZFS Internals (part #4)

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ANY INFORMATION YOU MAY FIND HERE MAY BE INACCURATE, AND COULD INCLUDE TECHNICAL INACCURACIES, TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS, AND EVEN SPELLING ERRORS. From the MANUAL page: The zdb command is used by support engineers to diagnose failures and gather statistics. Since the ZFS file ...
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