Hi there… just a quick post (and I will reuse the README file I wrote ;-):

 In 2007, Neelakanth Nadgir did post a script on his blog to display
ASCII Bar graphs using the Ruby language. To have a quick way to plot
some numbers on terminal to understand tendencies and quickly visuali
ze things is very useful. So, as he did published the script  "as-is"
and as he put on his blog "In the spirit of sharing", I did some chan
ges on it, and did put it on github to share.  Hope you enjoy!

Here is the link for the original Nadgir’s post.

And here is the link for the project on github (please, send me your fixes).

In the README file on github I did put an simple script in ruby to generate random numbers, so you can see the graph.rb in action.

The script is this:

ruby -w -e "while true do puts rand(100); STDOUT.flush; end" | ./graph.rb

Take a look at this Screenshot:

# +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
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# |  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  |
# |  Max Value: 78                                                     |
# |  Min Value: 23                                                     |
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
