Tag archives for oracle


I would like to understand…

Maybe if i could understand the Oracle's mind, i could learn how to make money. I think that is the key in this whole Oracle/Sun situation: Java, Dtrace 1, 2, 3, 4, and ZFS creators did leave the company. Why someone would buy a technology company, with so many ...
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Disksort vs Max_Pending

DO NOT TRY IT IN PRODUCTION. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Good news... here you can get a little script to enable, disable, and check the disksort flag on your disks (not persistent after reboot, take a look on my other post to a link for how to do it). Take ...
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OpenSolaris events @SF 2009

That was an amazing experience, and was really great meet those people that i just talk by email. First was the OHAC Summit, where we had excellent presentations, and the keynote 'The Network is the Cluster' by Dr. David Cheriton (Stanford University), and the 'High Availability: Today and Tomorrow' discussion ...
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