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Free Software

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"Free software means that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software, that you receive the source code, or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it, in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things..."


FreeBSD -[Operating System]-

FreeBSD logo

"FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for x86 compatible, DEC Alpha, and PC-98 architectures. It is derived from BSD UNIX, the version of UNIX developed at the University of California, Berkeley." FreeBSD offers advanced networking, performance, security and compatibility features today which are still missing in other operating systems, even some of the best commercial ones. FreeBSD makes an ideal Internet or Intranet server. It provides robust network services under the heaviest loads and uses memory efficiently to maintain good response times for thousands of simultaneous user processes. FreeBSD is available free of charge and comes with full source code.

Diskless Machines: kernel patch for ip configurations without bootp/pxe(c code)

Patch Report for FreeBSD 5.x:(send-pr)

Solaris x86 -[Operating System]-

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Delivers superior scalability across platforms, providing plenty of room for your growing enterprise along with the performance you need to handle the most complex tasks in record times.


Compiling OpenSP-1.5 on Solaris 9.

gcc-3.3 patch to OpenSP-1.5 (Thanks Gentoo Linux).

Compiling openjade-1.3.2 on Solaris 9

perl 5.6 patch to openjade-1.3.2 (Thanks Gentoo Linux).

Configuring JadeTeX to generate PDF/DVI files

Adding a new disk to a Solaris 9 (x86).

Motorola mobile phones in Solaris 10 (x86).

Moto4lin patch (moto4lin-0.3).

GNU/Linux -[Operating System]- Linux logo

Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory management, and TCP/IP networking. Linux was first developed for 32-bit x86-based PCs (386 or higher). These days it also runs on (at least) the Compaq Alpha AXP, Sun SPARC and UltraSPARC, Motorola 68000, PowerPC, PowerPC64, ARM, Hitachi SuperH, IBM S/390, MIPS, HP PA-RISC, Intel IA-64, DEC VAX, AMD x86-64 and CRIS architectures.


Graduation Monograph: Métricas para avaliação de ferramentas para administração de aplicativos em ambiente GNU/Linux.

The proposal - In Brazilian Portuguese: Métricas para avaliação de ferramentas para administração de aplicativos em ambiente GNU/Linux.

A dependence TEXT file for a: Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed, Gentoo 1.4 distribution with 488 packages installed, Fedora Core 1 with 1456 packages installed

(Thanks to: Harald Hoyer that wrote and posted a python script to generate the Fedora file, and to Matt Morgan that had sent me his Desktop dependence file). Link to Harold Hoyer home page can be found in the #Links section bellow.

A dependence XML file for a: Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed. Fedora Core 1 with 1456 packages installed. Gentoo 1.4 with 488 packages installed.

An input PAJEK file for a: Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed. Fedora Core 1 with 1456 packages installed. Gentoo 1.4 with 488 packages installed.

TCL script to generate the files (XML, (*)PAJEK, DAMAGE and CYCLE): DistroAnalyzer.tcl

A dependence graph for a Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

A dependence graph for a Fedora Core 1 distribution with 1456 packages installed:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

A dependence graph for a Gentoo 1.4 distribution with 1456 packages installed:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

An input GNUPLOT file for a Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed: Graph, histogram 1, histogram 2, (**)POWER LAW - histogram 2 (sorted), histogram 3.

A xy Plots for a Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed: Graph, histogram 1, histogram 2, (**)POWER LAW - histogram 2 (sorted), histogram 3, histogram 3(log xy).

An input GNUPLOT file for a Fedora Core 1 distribution with 1456 packages installed: Graph, histogram 1, histogram 2, (**)POWER LAW - histogram 2 (sorted), histogram 3.

A xy Plots for a Fedora Core 1 distribution with 1456 packages installed: Graph, histogram 1, histogram 2, (**)POWER LAW - histogram 2 (sorted), histogram 3,

An input GNUPLOT file for a Gentoo 1.4 distribution with 488 packages installed: Graph, histogram 1, histogram 2, histogram 3.

A xy Plots for a Gentoo 1.4 distribution with 488 packages installed: Graph, histogram 1, histogram 2, histogram 3,

A script to generate a plot example for a: Debian/GNU Linux Distribution with 659 packages installed.

Charts for a Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed: 1, 2, 3

Charts for a Fedora Core 1 distribution with 1456 packages installed: 1, 2, 3

Charts for a Gentoo 1.4 distribution with 488 packages installed: 1, 2, 3

Article ( Draft 03-Jun-2004) - In Brazilian Portuguese: Métricas para avaliação de ferramentas para administração de aplicativos em ambiente GNU/Linux.

Presentation (01-Jul-2004) - In Brazilian Portuguese: Métricas para avaliação de ferramentas para administração de aplicativos em ambiente GNU/Linux.

A (***)DAMAGE File (direct and indirect dependencies) for a: Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed, Fedora Core 1 distribution with 1456 packages installed, Gentoo 1.4 distribution with 488 packages installed,

A DAMAGE File (direct dependencies) for a: Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed, Fedora Core 1 distribution with 1456 packages installed, Gentoo 1.4 distribution with 488 packages installed,

A (****)CYCLE File (direct and indirect dependencies) for a: Debian 3.0 Stable distribution with 659 packages installed, Fedora Core 1 distribution with 1456 packages installed, Gentoo 1.4 distribution with 488 packages installed,

Monograph ( Final 16-Nov-2004) - In Brazilian Portuguese: Medidas para avaliação da administração de aplicativos em ambiente GNU/Linux

Presentation (10-Dez-2004) - In Brazilian Portuguese: Medidas para avaliação da administração de aplicativos em ambiente GNU/Linux

(*) Remember that you must use some tool to convert the generated file to it works... In my Solaris 9 x86, i'm using the unix2dos utility. Ex.: unix2dos >

(**) This PLOT is the histogram 2 (sorted) to power law visualization. I have changed the packages ID to follow the order of the dependences. So, the package that have the greater dependence number (ID=228 libc6) with 474 packages that depend on it, becomes 1 and so on...

(***) The damage means: How many packages will be lost, if you remove a specific package.

(****) The cycle means: package A ---> B and B ---> A, or A ---> B ---> C ---> A.

(--->) is a dependency relation.

PS.: I wrote my monograph using docbook (XML) with "vi" editor, DSSSL for stylesheets and openjade + OpenSP tools for printing. The first page was made in openoffice, and joinPDF was used to assemble the whole work. I'm running a solaris 9 x86 operating system, with gnome 2.8.0 Desktop environment and Enlightenment as window manager. Take a Look!

GNU/Linux Tips.

The beginning: The Linus Torvalds post to comp.os.minix Newsgroups.

pam_hostscheck: PAM module to control users logon with LDAP authentication + a "host" attribute.

shell_wrapper: Application to allow users have more than one shell (LDAP authentication)