1. The package BZIP2 have dependence cycle with the packages: bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 2. The package XEMACS have dependence cycle with the packages: apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 3. The package BASH have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 4. The package APEL have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 5. The package CC-MODE have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 6. The package COOKIE have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 7. The package DIRED have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 8. The package ECRYPTO have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 9. The package EDEBUG have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 10. The package EDIFF have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 11. The package EDIT-UTILS have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 12. The package EFS have dependence cycle with the packages: dired, xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, pcl-cvs, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 13. The package ELIB have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 14. The package EMERGE have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 15. The package ETERM have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 16. The package FSF-COMPAT have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 17. The package GNUS have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 18. The package ILISP have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 19. The package MAIL-LIB have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 20. The package MAILCRYPT have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 21. The package MH-E have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 22. The package PCL-CVS have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, prog-modes, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 23. The package PROG-MODES have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 24. The package RMAIL have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 25. The package SH-SCRIPT have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 26. The package SPEEDBAR have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 27. The package TM have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 28. The package VC have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 29. The package VM have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 30. The package W3 have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 31. The package XEMACS-BASE have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-devel, xemacs-ispell, 32. The package XEMACS-DEVEL have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-ispell, 33. The package XEMACS-ISPELL have dependence cycle with the packages: xemacs, apel, cc-mode, cookie, dired, ecrypto, edebug, ediff, edit-utils, efs, pcl-cvs, elib, emerge, eterm, fsf-compat, gnus, ilisp, mail-lib, mailcrypt, mh-e, prog-modes, rmail, sh-script, speedbar, tm, vc, vm, w3, xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, 34. The package PERL have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 35. The package PYTHON23 have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 36. The package EXPAT have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 37. The package PYTHON-FCHKSUM have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 38. The package BASELAYOUT have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 39. The package COREUTILS have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 40. The package DEBIANUTILS have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 41. The package GAWK have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 42. The package GROFF have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 43. The package HELP2MAN have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 44. The package PORTAGE have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 45. The package SED have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 46. The package TEXINFO have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 47. The package UTIL-LINUX have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 48. The package AUTOCONF have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 49. The package AUTOMAKE have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 50. The package BINUTILS have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 51. The package BISON have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 52. The package GCC have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 53. The package GCC-CONFIG have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 54. The package LIBPERL have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 55. The package LIBTOOL have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 56. The package M4 have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 57. The package PATCH have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 58. The package LINUX-HEADERS have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, glibc, ncurses, zlib, 59. The package GLIBC have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, ncurses, zlib, 60. The package NCURSES have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, zlib, 61. The package ZLIB have dependence cycle with the packages: bzip2, bash, perl, python23, expat, python-fchksum, baselayout, coreutils, debianutils, gawk, groff, help2man, portage, sed, texinfo, util-linux, autoconf, automake, binutils, bison, gcc, gcc-config, libperl, libtool, m4, patch, linux-headers, glibc, ncurses, ---> 61 cycles